About ITAV

About ITAV

About ITAV -

ITAV is a place that improves life for people of all ages.  Who would like a greater expression of life, health and vitality? Everyone would!  ITAV is a place where your health, life and human potential are honored and focused upon at all times.  You will be cared for as a unique individual and special human being; you will never be treated like a case, file, or ID number with a condition.  People here receive hope and inspiration instead of prognosis or prescription.

We acknowledge and live by the natural law that healing comes from within.  The chiropractic adjustment releases life force, which travels via our inner-net, called the Nerve System.

When this system is free from subluxation (interference), the mind-body is free to fully express itself.  How that expression appears will be as unique as the individual.  For some it may mean a decrease in pain and symptoms, for others it may be more energy and vitality.  Regardless of the outcome, everyone can benefit.

Sub•lux•ation \ n (ca. 1688) 1: the condition of less light or life force, being expressed through the body, thereby decreasing or masking the healing potential. 2: a condition that takes away from the full and optimum expression of life within the individual. 3: any interference or disruption of or to the life giving messages between the mind (brain) and body.

Chi•ro•prac•tic \ n [chir - + Gk praktikos practical, operative - more at practical] done by hand only (1895) : a system of therapy which holds that dis-ease results from a lack of normal and maximum nerve function and which employs specific adjustments of the body to improve that function.
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